成立 : 一九八六年七月十六日
- 推廣及保障業內人士權益;積極打擊任何盜版侵權的活動
- 代表電影行業及有關人士,就有關電影業的事件發表意見,及對有關意見作出回應
- 代表電影行業及有關人士,與香港政府或其他國家的政府進行磋商
- 與世界各地的影業協會聯絡,以促進、推廣及保障電影業的發展
- 代表協會會員或業內其他人士對侵犯版權或其他權利者進行法律訴訟。
- 本會致力保護電影版權及打擊盜版,於1993年開始建立首個影片登記註冊、認証及發証制度。自九三年起「中國國家版權局」指定為香港電影作品之版權認証機構,並於九四年起與版權局簽署「版權認証協議備忘錄」,至今世界各地均接受本會本會簽發之版權証明文件。
- 於2002年建立香港首個網上電影版權資料庫,為政府部門、海內外執法機關、業界及公眾提供版權資訊,協助打擊盜版及推廣香港電影文化。
- 自1992年起今年籌組四次「香港電影界訪京代表團」向北京反映業界困境及爭取市場開放。
- 與香港政府多個部門包括: 工商及科技局、海關、知識產權署及影視處等保持經常聯系;就訂定與電影有關之法例及政策方面提供意見。
- 與其他版權業協會組成「版權業聯盟」共同打擊盜版,並與香港海關合辦「打擊盜版獎賞計劃」。
- 全港唯一電影團體提供香港電影票房報告表。
- 籌備影展方面,自1992年至1996年協助政府新聞處於加拿大、法國、日本及美國籌辦「香港電影節」; 歷年來協助在港推動中國「金雞百花電影節」及「長春電影節」;與本地及外文化及電影業界團體合辦多個研討會及電影活動。
MPIA was established in July 1986, with the objectives to :
- Promote and protect the rights and interests of people in the motion picture industry ;
- Represent the motion picture industry to express and substantiate views and opinions on matters concerning the motion picture industry ;
- Represent the motion picture industry in dealing with the HKSAR Government or other government authorities in other countries ;
- Instigate legal proceedings on behalf of any member of the Association or anybody in the motion picture industry against any infringement of copyright or other rights ;
- Communicate with motion picture industry associations in other areas of the world to advance, promote and protect the motion picture industry.
Any company or individual engaged in film production or activities directly related to film production may become an MPIA member. The association has a total of 204 members, including producers, distributors and exhibitors, and individuals such as directors, scriptwriters, film critics and production executives. Film produced and exhibited among our members' cover over 85% of the market share. Please call at 852-2311-2692 if you want to join us.
- MPIA launch the first film registration & copyright authentication system since 1993. In 1993, the National Copyright Administration of China appoints MPIA as the sole copyright authentication body for Hong Kong film copyright. The MPIA's Certificate of Royalty has been recognized by most of the countries in the world.
- In 2002, MPIA set up the first Online Film Copyright Database to provide multi-level services for fighting piracy for both the domestic and overseas general public and law enforcement authorities. The database archive contains information of the Hong Kong produced films and licensing information in 2002.
- MPIA organised four times since 1992 the Hong Kong Film Industry Delegation to Beijing.
- The association has worked closely with the HKSAR Government on a wide variety of issues including copyright protection, film censorship, use of pyrotechnics and film archive.
- MPIA form the Copyright Alliance with other copyright industry associations (such as music, computer software) to fight against piracy since 1998.
- The only film association in Hong Kong compiles the Daily Box Office Report.
- MPIA assist in organizing the Hong Kong Film Festivals in Canada, France, Japan and the United States (New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and Los Angeles) from 1992 to 1996. MPIA provides local co-ordination for the Golden Rooster & Hundred Flowers Award Presentation Ceremony in China since 1992, and the Changchun China Film Festival from 2000 onwards.